The text is addressed to hypocrites who ruling practise anti-Polonism…


© by Czesław Białczyński

© translated by Katarzyna Goliszek

The text is addressed to hypocrites who ruling practise anti-Polonism and think that they are some Berliners … or New Yorkers. It is pathetic because in the eyes of those they are just small, false Poles who have denied their homeland ….

(….) The flood of information and advancement of knowledge which is the result of it and which affects various disciplines of science, has led to the particular revolution in the views on the forming of languages, myths, religious concepts and their interrelationships in Eurasia.
Genetics has refuted the views on the source of origin of particular ”kinds” of the human being and racial ”differences” that functioned for ages. In a consequence, the knowledge has not only undermined established and lasting for ages opinions about human races, i.e the opinions which were obligatory in the matter which the knowledge is studying, but it has also impaired all, less scientific humanistic disciplines. The disciplines (aspects) painstakingly built the image of the world in their respective fields, such  as, for example, archaeology, history, linguistics, anthropology of cultures and in other ones, for centuries (at least two, but this process can be extended seeing it as a slowly progressing historical process).

Czytaj dalej

Just something more about the GOBLET (Polish: CZARA) – in other words about the broken and missing Divine Pitcher of Zerywani

© by Czesław Białczyński

© translated by Katarzyna Goliszek


by bialczynski on 16 Maj 2012

Targi-Taos and Kołak (Targitaos and Kolaksais on the Goblet <Czara> coming from excavations) – truly Targitaos is a masculine equivalent of Kąp-Torga-Taja. What does it certify? The word torga – torba – is not a masculine attribute – the masculine are: the pole, club, baton, sword, pike. Taos – means god. Thus Kaptorgataja – the She Bird-Snake (Ptakowężyca) from the times when Women – Mazonkas (Mazonki) ruled – was the Carrier of the God’s Seed-Grain, the Carrier of God’s Mystery (Mysery – Taja), the Mystery – the Gods’ Message and mother of three sons – the creators of Scolotia – Kołak, Karpok and Lipok.

Czytaj dalej

Winicjusz Kossakowski –Slavs means the same as – ”they originate from Veneti.”

       Joe Mac Gown Vent
Joe A. MacGown – Vent

We present a slightly different reasoning sent by Winicjusz Kossakowski about the name Slavs (Słowianie) than we derive it, but basically it is remarkably consistent with our findings. The diversity of this reasoning lies in the fact that it is of a historical character. It supplements and complements the meanings which we already know. As it often happens, meanings of words which are very important for a group of people carry all the resources of different content and they often multiply. It happens so because other, diverse words take the course from the important word and like streams from one source they flow around in various directions. Yet, what is interesting, we too came to the three historic Slavic names which are additionally proven by genetics:

Czytaj dalej

Proto Slavs (Scyths-Scolotians) in Ojców Castle in 500 BC. [ENG]

© translated by Katarzyna Goliszek


Where does the Scythian armour in Ojców Castle come from?



Polskie Radio (Polish Radio)


Ojców Castle, photo by Jerzy Strzelecki/ Wiki. Photo licensed by cc-by-sa 3.0.

Czytaj dalej

Wawel Castle – A Holy Mountain of Slavs – chakra and pictogram

© by Czesław Białczyński

© translated by Katarzyna Goliszek

Sometimes a pictogram or a mystery – so called rebus, or a typically typographic structure meets all the required demands to make a code message. Here is the message  Wawel – published on the author’s . The author of the message – Szymon – is a computer expert by profession and the following message is simultaneously a perfect code message and pictogram.  At the same time, it is an inspired religious, holy – even prophetic – information of exceptional depth. Here it is:

Wawel piktogram1

It is just like that in this case, though we could suggest letter W more to give the  A sign a shape of a written capital letter, i.e creating letters in the beginning and in the end at the top of the exit base. It would complement this message in a clear-cut way directing the thought towards knowlegde coming from historic context of the ”w” sign.

The historic context and background which mean inveteracy of the ”w” sign because this sign is an exclusively Slavic letter which came to alphabets of other languages. Its origin lies in the meanings like Wela – the Land of Gods and the Dead, the Afterlife and Wąwel – denoting entering Wela (w = in – w-Wel, W – owąż – Wel wejście <wejście = entrance>) which means Entering the Afterlife from the Mountain top, and also a way to the Afterlife to Mount Wąwel through Wąwóz (WW) <wąwóz = ravine> – curving corridor leading to Mount Wąwel – reaching Wela at whose foot lives  dragon Wizunas guarding Wierzeje <wierzeje = gates>. There are many W letters here, aren’t there? Moreover, they are in duplication – double W (WąWel, WąWóz – the duplication always emphasises  holiness – VV makes letter W which means holy V, bigger V).

Czytaj dalej

Mystery 20; Annotation 45 – ”Why are Scolotians (Scyths), Slavs and Veneti the same peoples? – etymological and mythological evidence”

zmij -znuj tajepierwsze wersja 2

The 45th Skołotia – denotes – entirely Z Kołaka, which means coming from the blood and taken from the power of king (king = król)-kagan-tyrs-tzar (czar). It indicates coming from the law of  Kołak  as the first king of New Koliba.

Skołotia – also means – taking its rights, knowledge, rituals, faith and custom as well as  recognising the true ruler, the deputy,  incarnation of god on Earth – all that derives from the roots of Old Koliba. In other words, it means the land taking and  measuring the continuum of faith and law from the old Kołb and Kołbiel-Bauba – first earthy rulers-priests of Zerywani tribe in the Old Koliba.

Skołotia – means from Kołak and Kołb anointed by gods, solely from the gods whom Skołotia can worship and to whom it can give a part – i.e. a share and contributions.  The Part called the share (dział) is the sacrifice for gods in the form of kładziwo (the sacrifice of koło-dział <circle-share>, part and adoration for Koło Dziewsowy and originating from Koło Diewsowy, which means coming from Gods). The part called contribution  denotes  the sacrifice of the part of the share for the ruler. These Gods being in the divine Koło (divine Circle) at Wela are worshipped not only with a gift but  also with a circular dance, i.e. with the Koło (Circle) and they are crowned with koła (circles) made of flowers and herbs – wreaths (wreaths – wienie – wieńce).

Czytaj dalej

Who learned from whom and what did they learn? – Germanic Nations – Scolotians – Serbomazowie-Slavic Nations


The Vikings

  Czytaj dalej

Ślęża – about the Power of the Holy Mountain of Slavs, the Word and Slavic Faith of Nature, Polish Native Faith and about the Slovianskie Slovo Publishing House

© Czesław Białczyński

© Translated by Katarzyna Goliszek

      (This text contains many typically Polish–Slavic names, most of which do not have their equivalents in English. For this reason, only the Polish words that have their corresponding words in English have been translated. The words in the text that are only in Polish have been explained in English in brackets. There are, however, some Polish words which have been left unchanged in the text because translating them into English would not carry the proper meaning of the content of the text.)

                                                                      Sleza DSC_0183 pow 160  

Ślęża sends out the Thought of the new Being , it is not the World any more, it is Consciousness (painting: Joa Maya, text: Mak)

(Click and magnify)

Czytaj dalej

The New Table of R1a Number in Different Populations of Asia Minor and the White Continent (Eurasia) as well as Identification of the Genetics of the Woman from Tyniec


©Translated by Katarzyna Goliszek

From the web page: in the Polish language:, following the topic of where we find people  that we know from Histmag –  Wilmar, Lappa and others, we present the new table of the number of R1a in Eurasia, sent to us by Robert 13. We also bring up an article about identification using genetic tests of the colour of eyes and hair of the Woman fromTyniec (the skeleton dates back to the 12 th century). Her burial  was found in the saintly Abbey of Tyniec in the place where it should not have been found at all.  I recommend the second article particularly to those who still doubt about the accuracy of genetic tests, their quality, methodology, and about the value of cientists’ work. 

Czytaj dalej

Native Church of Poland

© translated by Katarzyna Goliszek

In 1995, in the Native Church of Poland the tradition of Lechicki Circle of

Worshippers of Svetovid (Światowit) – active in Warsaw from 1950 to 1980 –

was revived. We can say, however, that the official dates do not reflect the

continuity of the activity of the Faith of Nature worshippers.


The Lechicki Circle of Worshippers of Svetovid (in Polish: Lechicki Krąg Czcicieli Światowita – LKCŚ) practically stopped its activity as an organisation when Władysław Kołodziej died, but some participants of the Circle lived and acted on their own.


It was Lech Emfazy Stefański thanks to whom the Native Church of Poland was registered in 1995 which also led to the beginning of the first oficially organised and registered Pagan Church in Poland. Owing to Lech Emfazy Stefański, the public pagan worship and public pagan rituals were reborn in Poland. 


Yet, Slavic Faith of Nature existed, gods were worshipped, Slavic festivities and rituals were held in many places in Poland for all the thousand years of Christianity in Poland and certainly as far as I remember it, and since we have been able to historically recreate the ”activity” of the Guardians of the Faith of Nature.  It is not in the least the time from Zorian Dołęga Chodakowski or, the more, Bronisłąw Trentowski – as  various amatuerish writers of the history of Native Faith would like it to have been – it had lasted before and actually it has lasted till now and will always last. 

Someone who gives  dates relating to them as the beginning of revival of paganism in Poland has no idea at all  what he or she is talking about.

Slavic Faith of Nature IS ONE – anybody that divides US is OUR enemy” [Zorian Dołęga Chodakowski – in one of his letters to his friend].

Czesław Białczyński



   RKP 163122_1286804928_21bc_p Mazovian shrine of the Native Church of Poland

Czytaj dalej

Dlaczego poganie nie chcą Jahwe? – Why Don’t Pagans Want Yahweh? [pol/eng]


Jest to pytanie zadane przez FEANARA

O ile mi wiadomo Feanaro jest Duchem Ognia ze współczesnej bajki o Tolkienie.

Na podstawie tego co napisałeś, oceniam twój wiek na 10 – 12 lat.

Duchu Ognia masz trudności w zrozumieniu przeczytanych tekstów i obcych słów. Filozofię i ideologię pozostaw starszym.  Zgłoś problem swojej pani a otrzymasz pomoc w postaci nauczania indywidualnego i nikt ci nie będzie mógł wlepić pały. Poza tym,  jesteś niegrzeczny, co sugeruje  wychowanie w obcej kulturze.

Nie wiem czy znasz pana, który się nazywał Adam Mickiewicz i wykładał na paryskiej Sorbonie. Był on zwolennikiem teorii, która przypisywała Słowianom reformę religijną Zaratustry. Sam Zaratustra miał mieć imię ZałatustRa, co tłumaczy się na Złote usta boga. (Ra = bóstwo egipskie). Znaczenie imienia wpisuje się w teren, czas  i działalność reformatora religijnego.

Drugie znaczenie: „Właściciel stu wielbłądów”mija się ze współczesnym datowaniem.

Zaratustryzm powstał na tysiąc pięćset lat przed Chrystusem. Wielbłądy oswojono pięćset lat później.

Zwolennikiem słowiańskich korzeni zaratustryzmu był polski tłumacz Świętej księgi Awesty, profesor Ignacy Pietraszewski, który nadał księdze tytuł „ MIANO SŁOWIAŃSKIE w ręku jednej Familii od trzech tysięcy lat zostające czyli nie ZENDAWESTA a ZĘDASZTA to jest Życiodawcza książeczka Zoroastra, albo AWESTA WIELKA”.

Czytaj dalej

Ocalmy Łużyce i Pamięć Połabia – galeria [Let’s Save Lusatia and Memory of Polabi – gallery] (pol/eng)

Galeria Łużycka dwujęzyczna i wzbogacona 03 02 2013

die lausitzŁużyce [Die Lausitz, Lusatia]

Dzieciątko – obrzęd i strój związany z Zimowym Przesileniem – żywcem przeniesione z Wiary Przyrody (to nasze korzenie)

[Child – ritual and dress associated with the winter solstice – transformed in its pure form from the Faith of Nature (these are our roots)]

Czytaj dalej

Seven Chakras of Earth and Undercut Roots of Polish People

© by Czesław Białczyński

© translated by  Katarzyna Goliszek


in other words, about disappearance of social memory and popularisation of deceit and nonsense

” …The name of the city lies deeply in its history. .

All ways of the empire led to Rome. At the road leading to the capital city from the far north was Cologne – Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensis – such was the name of the military settlement on the west coast of the Rhine separating the Roman province Germania  from the barbarous world. Thanks to the care of Agrypina, Emperor Claudius’s wife (a Latin name of the city commemorates both of them) who was born nowhere else but on the edge of the great empire, it quickly became the capital city of the whole province.  

It was there, in 383 AD that Britons’ princess – Ursula was going back from the pilgrimage to the holy city. She was accompanied by eleven thousand virgins. Because the times were troubled, they all fell into the hands of Huns, under the command of Atylla,besieging the city.

The commander of barbarians fell in love with Ursula, but she refused to marry him. He murdered her and all the virgins accompanying her. Seeing the crowds of the martyrs going to heaven, the horrified Huns abandoned the walls, and grateful inhabitants accepted Ursula and all her entourage as the patronesses of the city. 

Where did thousands of virgins come from? Probably from incorrect reading of the Latin inscription. Probably there were eleven virgins. This number of flames in the crest reminds of those events full of legends.

Czytaj dalej

Adam Smoliński – Are the present Germanic nations Aryan too?

© by Adam Smoliński

© translated by Katarzyna Goliszek

There is another issue which intrigues me and which I can not help thinking about.

In accordance with the assumed thesis – proved by genetics and linguistics:

1.  If  haplogrup R1a became distinct about 20 – 18 thousand years ago in the region of Altai.


2.  If  13 – 10 thousand years ago peoples of  hg R1a crossed Central Asia to the areas of north coasts of the Black Sea. Here, they met peoples of the Old European hg I1 and I2 and together began to create  the culture of  Proto Slavs as well as the Proto Slavic language. North Europe – to the Carpathians, North Asia – to south Ural – were covered by the continental glacier.


zasięg zlodowacenia

  Czytaj dalej

The Amazing Slavism – Great Mystery and Great Mystification

© by Czesław Białczyński

© translated by Katarzyna Goliszek

I begin this article deliberately from Maria Janion’s citation: – ”The Amazing Slavism”. Indeed, Slavism is AMAZING and it is one of the greatest puzzles that every Aware  Human Being comes across sooner or later, i.e. every Thinking Free Human living on Earth – regardless of the birth place and language that he / she speaks.


aa Haplogroup-R1aMap 1. I should point out that R1a in Europe is heavily related to Slavic speakers. Though quite high levels in Scandinavia as well, the result of which is that most R1a in Ireland and Scotland are probably related to the Viking age. Other major language areas which you see with lots of R1a are among Iranian (Persian, Kurdish, Pasthun) and Hindi (Hindi, Punjabi, Bengali, Nepali etc.) speakers.

[The map of R1a above is fairly honest – it is rarity. The description which we are presenting  fragmentarily below was not as honest, however, because it suggested that languages of the Kentum group are of the same source for the pre-Indo European language as languages of the Satem group, which is untrue. The premordial Indo European language was the Satem language – we can call it SCYTHIAN or Ancient Slavic from which originate all the present Satem languages deriving from Old Slavic (the language common for Hg Y-DNA R1a1 which means  Scyths and Hg Y-DNA I which means Ancient Europeans) – the languages: Slavic, Albanian, Romanian, Hungarian, Baltic-Istian, Persian, Hindi, Pali and others. It is clear that the mentioned languages contain components of other genetic bases contributng to their obvious diversity. For instance, in the Baltic or Hungarian languages the Hg Y-DNA-N, in Persian Hg Y-DNA J, in Pali and Hindi – L, H (the Gypsy who coexist with us Slavic people in Europe) and R2 (of Dravidian people). Likewise, the earlier common language – pre-Indo European for the Scyths and Celts was Satem.]

Czytaj dalej