Winicjusz Kossakowski – Just a talk: The puzzle has solved on its own

©translated by Katarzyna Goliszek© by Winicjusz Kossakowski

(Lidia Czopkiewicz had sent the maps two weeks before sending the text by Winicjusz Kossakowski)

Awaria mapaYears 533-600

 in the series: “Just a talk”


„Polish historians” are really well.

First, it was written what was suitable for the Vatican-German state. However, up to the time when the Catholic-Judeo oriented aristocracy came to the conclusion that they did not need the state and the parliament of the Republic of Poland gave its territories out to its neighbours. The parliament were assured by Jesuit Skarga that they would get a state in ”Heaven” for that deed. Poland disappeared from the map for 123 years. After regaining independence in the II nd Republic, historians reached for the history before the annexation, i.e. the Vatican-German.

Czytaj dalej

Just something more about the GOBLET (Polish: CZARA) – in other words about the broken and missing Divine Pitcher of Zerywani

© by Czesław Białczyński

© translated by Katarzyna Goliszek


by bialczynski on 16 Maj 2012

Targi-Taos and Kołak (Targitaos and Kolaksais on the Goblet <Czara> coming from excavations) – truly Targitaos is a masculine equivalent of Kąp-Torga-Taja. What does it certify? The word torga – torba – is not a masculine attribute – the masculine are: the pole, club, baton, sword, pike. Taos – means god. Thus Kaptorgataja – the She Bird-Snake (Ptakowężyca) from the times when Women – Mazonkas (Mazonki) ruled – was the Carrier of the God’s Seed-Grain, the Carrier of God’s Mystery (Mysery – Taja), the Mystery – the Gods’ Message and mother of three sons – the creators of Scolotia – Kołak, Karpok and Lipok.

Czytaj dalej