Hunawarów-Hungarów czyli Ugorzan-Uhorów Baja Słowiano-Ugryjska – według Almosza Jaszczyka (1885 – 1950)

Almosz Jaszczyk – Narodziny Baju

Álmos Jaschik pursued his studies in the School of Design and the Art Teacher Training School. He obtained a teacher’s diploma in 1907.


He took a study tour through France, Belgium, Germany and Holland in 1908.

Czszongor i Tude

He became a teacher at the Budapest Industrial Drawing School in 1906, and head of the book-binding and decorative leather-work department but had to leave the institution in 1920.

Drzewo Rożane – Pamięć Miłości

His main field of activity was drawing illustrations for literary works, but he made stage designs also.

Bogunowie  – Duchy Wcielone Różnych Poziomów

From 1935 he worked as the stage designer of the National Theatre.

Łowca Żywota

His independent graphic artworks and his early illustrations reflect the decorative drawing style, the line-cult and ornamentalism of the Art Nouveau.


The world of fantasy, fiction or even ‚horror’ gained greater significance in his later works.


The interesting point in his works of art is the naturalistic drawing rich in detail, the fantastic ‚story’ and the wallowing in scrupulous, minute patterns.

Przyjęcie w Zaświaty

Thus his drawings are surrealistic and insinuative at the same time.
He played a leading role in developing ornament-based art teaching. Bóg Sporu – Jądra, Jadła, Dostatku i Powodzenia (Indra)

He worked out his theory about the spiritual origins of the ornament during his years of teaching, and also published his thoughts on the problems of pedagogy.


Anioł nad miastem (Skrzydlata Pani Nieba i  Ziemi z dzieciątkiem)

He introduced the use of projection in stage-sets in Hungary, which found emphatic presence in the schools of stage design and modelling as well. 

Maj – Tajemne spotkanie

As a graphic artist he was primarily an illustrator.

Plantacja Morów

He was a member of the Hungarian Society of Book and Advertisement Artists and also worked in animated film productions between 1942 and 1944.

Spadająca gwiazda

He ran his own private school of modern spirit after 1920.

Borszcz na kościach

Nocne Koło w blasku Księżyca

Bóg – Pan Niebieski

Almosz Jaszczyk (1885 – 1950)

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