Moment odkrycia przepięknej 6500-letniej prehistorycznej figurki o nazwie „Vita”.
Moment of discovery of beautiful 6500-year-old prehistoric figurine named “Vita”. Here we can see head of “Vita” in the hands of archaeologist Sanja Crnobrnja Krasić who excavated it in summer of 2019.
This anthropomorphic (human-like) figurine originates from the Neolithic period, it belongs to Vinča culture and was made around 4500 years BC. It was excavated in summer of 2019. among the remains of prehistoric settlement at Vitkovačko polje archaeological site near Aleksandrovac, central Serbia.
With height of 54 cm it is the largest anthropomorphic figurine of Vinča culture ever found.
Vita is made of terracotta and it represents human figure seated on a throne, with arms placed on the hips. It bears typical features of Vinča art – flat triangular face, large almond-shaped eyes and prominent nose, and linear ornaments on the face and body representing clothes or tattoos.
What makes this discovery even more astonishing, is fact that figurine is covered with fingerprints of the prehistoric artist who made it more than 6500 years ago. The fingerprints were discovered during the conservation process, and they belong to all 10 fingers of the ancient sculptor. This makes the discovery truly amazing.
Conservation experts Vesna Rogić and Milena Jovanović emphasize that biggest challenge was placing the fragile and fragmented figure on the stand. Before this final stage, Vita was scanned with CT method, experts checked its micro porosity and presence of salts from the soil, in order to find the best conservation method.
The figurine was discovered by archaeologist Sanja Crnobrnja Krasić. It was hot summer day, temperature was above 30 degrees, the last day of the campaign, and everybody was convinced that they are not going to discover anything worth mentioning, since all probes and trenches were almost empty. And then, with the last strokes of the small broom, this fantastic piece of prehistoric art emerged from the ground. Figurine was fragmented, piece by piece it was removed from the ground and immediately it was clear that is among the most beautiful and largest prehistoric figurines ever discovered in Serbia.
The figurine is kept in the collection of Museum in Aleksandrovac.
Vitkovačko polje archaeological site is famous for findings of several large beautifully sculptured female figurines called “Venuses from Vitkovo” and for numerous other smaller anthropomorphic and zoomorphic figurines, altars and pottery. All these items were found at remains of large Neolithic settlement, which covers area of around 120 hectares.
Number of discovered figurines in just a small section of the site that has been excavated, leads to a theory that Vitkovo was one of the religious centers of Vinča culture, along with few other sites in central Serbia
Trenutak otkrića prelepe 6500 godina stare praistorijske figurine nazvane „Vita“. Glava Vite počiva u rukama Sanje Crnobrnje Krasić, arheologa koja ju je pronašla leta 2019. godine.
Ova antropomorfna (čovekolika) figurina nazvana potiče iz neolita – mlađeg kamenog doba, pripada Vinčanskoj kulturi i napravljena je oko 4500 godina pre nove ere. Pronađena je leta 2019. godine među ostacima praistorijskog naselja na arheološkom lokalitetu Vitkovačko polje kod Aleksandrovca, centralna Srbija.
Visoka je 54 cm i predstavlja najveću antropomorfnu figurinu Vinčanske kulture ikada pronađenu.
Vita je izrađena od pečene gline i predstavlja ljudsku figuru koja sedi na tronu, sa rukama položenim na kukove. Ima tipične odlike vinčanske umetnosti – ravno trouglasto lice, velike bademaste oči i istaknut nos, a telo i glava su prekriveli lineranim ornamentima koji predstavljaju odeću ili tetovaže.
Ono što ovo otkriće čini posebno zanimljivim je činjenica da je figurina prekrivena otiscima prstiju umetnika koji ju je napravio pre više od 6500 godina. Otisci su otkriveni tokom procesa restauracije, i među njima se prepoznaje svih 10 prstiju praistorijskog umetnika.
Stručnjaci za konzervaciju Vesna Rogić i Milena Jovanović ističu da je najveći izazov bila gravitacija odnosno postavljanje ove krhke i fragmentovane figure na postolje. Pre završne faze, Vita je snimljena CT skenerom, proverena je njena mikropropustljivost i prisustvo soli iz tla, kako bi se iznašao najbolji metod konzervacije.
Figurinu je otkrila arheolog Sanja Crnobrnja Krasić leta 2019. godine. Bio je poslednji dan projekta, temperature je bila preko 30 stepeni, is vi su mislili da neće pronađi ništa vredno pomena jer su sve sonde bile skoro prazne.I onda, sa poslednjim zamasima metlice, iz zemlje se promolilo ovo praistorijsko umetničko delo. Figurina je pronađena u komadima koji su pažljivo otkopani, i odmah je bilo jasno da se radi o jednoj od najlepših i najvećih praistorijskih figurina ikada otkrivenih u Srbiji.
Figurina Vita se nalazi u zbirkci Zavičajnog muzeja Župe u Aleksandrovcu.
Vitkovačko polje je čuveno po pronalasku nekoliko velikih, prelepo izrađenih ženskih figurina nazvanih „vitkovačkim venerama“ i drugih predmeta, poput manjih antropomorfnih i zoomorfnih figurina, žrtvenika i grnčarije, koji su pronađeni u ostacima velikog praistorijskog naselja. Lokalitet porkiva površinu od 120 hektara, a do sada je istražen mali deo.
Broj otkrivenih figurina navodi na zaključak da je pre 6500 godina u Vitkovu bio jedan od religioznih centara Vinčanske kulture