Anton Perdih
Leta 1996 so Cevc in sodelavci našli na planini »Na stanu« (1450 m) pod Jermanovimi
vrati (Kamniško sedlo 1884 m) v eni od poskusnih vrtin med drugim dva kvadrasta bru-
sna kamna [1], verjetno iz istega časa kot tamkajšnja rimska keramika. Najdb niso mogli
nadrobneje datirati.
Na njihovi sliki enega od teh brusnih kamnov, slika 1, sem ob ožjem zgornjem robu
opazil štiri znake, podobne venetskim črkam. Glej tudi sliko 2, kjer je ta del brusnega
kamna obrnjen navzdol in povečan. Ti znaki so videti kot N ali M ter in nakazujejo,
da naj bi bila smer branja z desne na levo, kot je to pri venetskih napisih zelo pogosto.
Seveda bi lahko ugovarjali, da to niso venetske črke, temveč le slučajne zareze, ki so nastale
pri brušenju koničastih predmetov. Za znake bi razen za lok pri znaku to morebiti
lahko veljalo, znak N ali M, tak kot je, pa na tak slučajen način ne more nastati. Pomenljivo
Slika 1. Slika brusnih kamnov, Cevc [1].
je tudi to, da podobnih znakov ni nikjer drugje na isti strani brusnega kamna, čeprav so
na njem vidni sledovi, ki jih pušča brušenje.
Te znake bi lahko prečrkovali kot TII ter N ali M. Vendar, glasovni pomen znaka
je sporen. Večkrat se namreč pojavi v istih napisih kot znak X. Kateri od njiju je v resnici
T in kateri označuje kakšen drug glas, bo treba še ugotoviti. To seveda ne bo mogoče s
pomočjo stare grščine ali latinščine. Kaj pomeni znak , ta hip ni gotovo. Ali je to morebiti
znak proizvajalca?
Vsekakor bi veljalo natančno pregledati slike v objavah najdišč v naših krajih, pa tudi
še neobjavljene predmete, da ni še kje kakšen neomenjen star napis.
T Cevc, Davne sledi človeka v Kamniških Alpah: arheološke najdbe v planinah (1995-1996), ZRC
SAZU, Ljubljana 1997, str. 56, slika 70 in 71
Venetic inscription in Kamnik Alps?
In 1996, Cevc et al. found in a trial dig on the Alpine pasture named “Na stanu” (1450
m) pod Jermanovimi vrati (Kamniško sedlo 1884 m), north of Ljubljana, Slovenia, two
squarish whetstones [1] (Fig. 70 and 71, p. 56), probably of the same age as the Roman
ceramics found in the same location. They were not able to date the find more precisely.
In their picture of one of the whetstones (Figure 1) I noticed on one of its smaller margins
four signs similar to Venetic script. These signs are like N or M as well as. They suggest
the direction of reading from right to left which is usual with Venetic inscriptions. One could
raise objections to the assumption that they are Venetic graphemes; arguments can be made
Slika 2. Obrnjen izrez zgornjega dela brusnega kamna na levi strani slike 1.
that they are accidental incisions formed during sharpening of pointed objects. For signs
this could perhaps be valid except for , but the sign N or M could not have been formed in
this way. It is worth mentioning that similar notches are not observed elsewhere on the same
side of this whetstone, although marks of sharpening action are clearly visible on it.
The above signs can be transliterated as TII as well as N or M. However, there is one open
question. Namely, what phonetic value should be assigned to . This sign appears in several
Venetic inscriptions together with the sign X, and presumably represents the phonetic value
T. Which of the two is a T, and which of them is possibly another phoneme, is still to be
determined. However, this will not be possible with the help of Classical Greek or Latin. On
the other hand, the meaning of the sign is uncertain. May it be a trademark?
Anton Perdih ;University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Faculty Member
PDF: perdih_kamniske06