Pandemią zarządza NSC (Rada Bezpieczeństwa Narodowego w USA)
1. GNN: Pandemią zarządza NSC (Rada Bezpieczeństwa Narodowego w USA) a nie HHS (Ministerstwo Zdrowia i Spraw Społecznych w USA) + Co jeszcze w preparatach mRNA może szkodzić?
Najnowsze dokumenty zebrane przez dziennikarki śledcze pokazują całkowicie nowe oblicze pandemii i niespotykaną skalę oszustwa i przemocy wobec narodów świata.
To jest najważniejszy wpis na Cogito Ergo Sum !!!
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Proszę, podaj dalej i ściągnij slajdy dostępne tylko do 03.01.23
Pełne slajdy do prezentacji do 3.1.23 w
Poniżej treść slajdów, ale konieczne są slajdy, by zrozumieć, o co chodzi.
Intent to Harm Evidence of conspiracy to commit mass murder by the pharma manufacturers, US Department of Defense/HHS and other governments 1 Sasha Latypova, 2022 Summary of All Evidence => Intent to Harm • Toxic by Design: Mechanisms of injury designed into C-19 injections • No Safety: Horrific death and injury toll (VAERS, vSAFE, Eudravigilance, Yellow Card, etc => millions of reports) • No Efficacy: negative efficacy 3+ months after injections • Bad Manufacturing: Highly variable production, non-compliant with cGMP, no enforcement of cGMP by any agency • Malignant Policy Worldwide: Government lies, cover-up, gaslighting of the injured, prosecution of dissent and whistleblowers, collusion with media, perverse financing of the above WHY No Action By the Regulators or Courts? 3 4 Emergency Use Authorization (1997 Clinton) – Get rid of the FDA “safety & efficacy” regs under EUA Other Transaction Authority (2015 Obama) – Enable DOD to order undisclosed “military prototypes” from pharma PREP Act and “Public Health Emergency” 2020 (Trump), continued by Biden to date Law research by Katherine Watt, Bailiwick News on Substack Pseudo-Legalization of EUA-Covered “Military Countermeasures”. Most Recent Relevant Legislation Includes: Use of EUA Countermeasures is NOT a Clinical Investigation: • 21 USC 360bbb-3(k): use of EUA-covered medical countermeasure (MCM) products, once designated as such by the Secretary of Health and Human Services (March 10, 2020, retroactive to February 4, 2020) “shall not be considered to constitute a clinical investigation.” 21 USC 360bbb-3(k). EUA law, adopted 1997 and amended 2003, 2004, 2005, 2013, 2017. • Countermeasures are NOT pharmaceutical products, NOT regulated by the FDA. 5 Research by Katherine Watt “Countermeasures” Deployed at HHS Secretary’s Discretion Are NOT Required to Meet Any Standards Congressional amendments to the 1938 FD&C Act and the 1944 PHS Act had eliminated federal regulatory standards for production and use of products designated by the FDA for “emergency use” during an HHS-declared, HHSmaintained “public health emergency.” 21 USC 360bbb-3(c) „Criteria for Issuance of Authorization”: the law provides that the HHS Secretary may issue emergency use authorizations if he/she concludes: • that, based on the totality of scientific evidence available to the Secretary, including data from adequate and well-controlled clinical trials, if available, it is reasonable to believe that— • (A) the product may be effective in diagnosing, treating, or preventing— • (i) such disease or condition; or • (ii) a serious or life-threatening disease or condition caused by a product authorized under this section, approved or cleared under this chapter, or licensed under section 351 of the Public Health Service Act [42 U.S.C. 262], for diagnosing, treating, or preventing such a disease or condition caused by such an agent; and • (B) the known and potential benefits of the product, when used to diagnose, prevent, or treat such disease or condition, outweigh the known and potential risks of the product, taking into consideration the material threat posed by the agent or agents identified in a declaration under subsection (b)(1)(D), if applicable; DOD and Pfizer agents had means, motive and opportunity, through OTA contracts to ensure that no evidence capable of interfering with the HHS Secretary and FDA regulatory officials (Azar/Kadlec/Gruber) EUA declarations would ever become available 6 Research by Katherine Watt “Vaccine Development and Approval”: performance art to convince the public • Explains the use of the word “demonstration” in DOD contracts for vaccines • Clinical trials were not ordered by DOD/HHS – not possible for countermeasures • cGMP compliance was not ordered – not possible for countermeasures • Legally there are no clinical trial subjects or investigators, and no informed consent 7 FDA leadership are impersonating the regulators and lying to the public – they have no authority to regulate countermeasures National Security Council (NSC) in Charge of Covid Policy (Not HHS) • The NSC is an executive forum for foreign policy and national security and does not include public health-related agencies. • Regular attendees (both statutory and non-statutory) are: • Vice President • Secretary of State • Secretary of the Treasury • Secretary of Defense • Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs. • Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is the statutory military advisor to the Council • Director of National Intelligence is the intelligence advisor 8 Pandemic response org chart, from p. 9 of Pandemic Crisis Action Plan- Adapted, 2020 (PanCAP-A), showing the NSC solely responsible for Covid policy Decisional Role Why is FEMA (not HHS) Lead Federal Agency? • “On March 13, 2020, President Donald J. Trump declared a nationwide emergency under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (the Stafford Act, P.L. 93-288 as amended), authorizing assistance administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Five days later, the President notified then-FEMA Administrator Peter Gaynor that the agency would assume leadership of the federal pandemic response effort—the first known instance of FEMA serving in such a role for a public health incident.” “FEMA’s Role in the Covid-19 Pandemic Response” Figurehead Role Information Control /Propaganda Role In charge: NSC, DOD, BARDA Not in charge: Pharma companies () ? ? ? Who is REALLY developing and manufacturing these injections? VRBPAC-10.22.20-Meeting-Presentation-COVID19-Vaccine-Development-Portfolio.pdf ? ? 11 12 “Demo” “Manufacturing” • Violation of cGMP (CFR Title 21*) • Not possible to manufacture safe products before safety is properly tested • “Platforms” do not exempt each product from full safety testing requirements * Source: BARDA “Industry Day” webinar, November 2022 Full list available at -contracts • All contracts from DOD via ATI “management company”, not directly with government • Robert Kadlec (ASPR Secretary under Trump) personally controlled $$$ contracts.
Co jeszcze poza mRNA może powodować powikłania po preparatach mRNA na Covid – hydrożel z grafenem? Co z traktatem W.H.O.?
1. Nauka polega na stawianiu hipotez i dyskusji. Stąd dzisiaj informuję o mniej popularnej hipotezie. 2. Wystąpienie dot traktatu W.H.O przedstawiciela Indonezji (30 sek.) elektryzuje internet
- Zawartość niektórych fiolek z wstrzykiwalnymi preparatami mRNA na Covid omówiona przez Dr Mihalcea – o roli hydrożelu z grafenem
Zdaniem Dr Mihalcea, która obserwuje krew zaszczepionych pacjentów z pomocą komputerowej termografii oraz pod mikroskopem z czarnym tlem (w oparciu o tzw. technikę analizy żywej krwi), głównym winnym powikłań jest hydrożel z grafenem. Dlatego wielu chorych nie reaguje na standardowe leczenie rozcieńczaczami krwi, a Dr Mihalcea leczy ich skutecznie zakładając słuszność jej hipotezy.
Publikacje naukowe o hydrożelu
całość w
Inne wyjaśnienie
2. James Rogulski śledzi losy traktatu pandemicznego WHO i informuje o tym, co jest ewidentnie ukrywane przed opinią publiczną, mimo że już sama niespotykana finansowa skala przedsięwzięcia powinna skupiać uwagę mediów świata
Liderzy G20 mówią o traktacie pandemicznym WHO jak wyjątkowej okazji biznesowej !!! Wystąpienie przedstawiciela indonezji.
- James Roguski w wyważony sposób ostrzega przed zagrożeniami traktatu pandemicznego WHO
Na czym polegają założenia nowego traktatu W.H.O.
3. Global Fascism with James Roguski and Jason Bermas
4. The Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) will be meeting for the third time on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, December 5-7, 2022.
At the moment, it is unclear as to whether or not they will be live-streaming their meetings.
As expected, the INB released this information at the most classic moment designed to hide information in plain sight. This morning, BLACK FRIDAY, November 25, 2022, the INB published the seven (7) documents listed below on their nearly invisible web page. I really did expect them to do exactly that on exactly this date. They know that everyone else in the United States is busy recovering from Thanksgiving and the biggest shopping day of the year. This came as no surprise to me.
- Provisional agenda
- Draft programme of work
- Conceptual zero draft for the consideration of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body at its third meeting [CLICK HERE TO READ ARTICLE]
- Proposal by the Bureau on an updated timeline and deliverables, development of the zero draft of the WHO CA+, and establishment of drafting group modalities
- Summaries of regional committee discussions on the working draft Report by the Secretariat
- Informal, focused consultations Report by the Bureau of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body
- Outcomes of the second round of public hearings Report by the Secretariat
Of the seven (7) documents, the most important is the official version of the “Conceptual Zero Draft” of the proposed “Pandemic Treaty.” However, I obtained and published an advance copy of that document, so most of my readers should already be aware of it. I believe that the official copy is the same as the advance copy. Please read this article , AND DEFINITELY READ THIS ARTICLE.
The next most important document is the updated timeline (schedule).
Documents 5, 6 and 7 are summaries of events that have already happened.
więcej w
2. wR24: Drosten ogłasza koniec pandemii! Niemieccy politycy szukają amnestii covidowej? A. Wolska
3. KP: Zełenski: Nasi żołnierze WYPĘDZĄ AGRESORÓW! Dzięki Ukrainie świat NIE BOI SIĘ Rosji!
GT BT: 300 dni wojny cywilizacji!